The Arbitration Commission may formulate provisional arbitration rules in accordance with this Law and the relevant provisions of the civil procedure law before the formulation of the arbitration rules by the China Arbitration association. 中国仲裁协会制定仲裁规则前,仲裁委员会依照本法和民事诉讼法的有关规定可以制定仲裁暂行规则。
The law of civil procedure. 民事程序法。
On the Civil Inspection and Supervision after the Amendment of the Law of Civil Procedure 民事诉讼法修改后的民事检察监督审视
Law of civil procedure is very complicated. forexample,民事诉讼流程是很复杂的。
It has promulgated and put into effect a series of major laws, including the Constitution, the Criminal Law, the Law of Criminal Procedure, the General Provisions of the Civil Law, the Law of Civil Procedure and the Law of Administrative Procedure. 颁布和实施了宪法、刑法、刑事诉讼法、民法通则、民事诉讼法、行政诉讼法等一系列重要法律。
Any judgement for case fact will follow basic proof law, how to utilize rationally standardly in the program of civil procedure to measure lie technical judgement evidence on, need to not only legislate perfect further, also need that we explore further further. 任何对案件事实的判断都要遵循基本的证明规律,如何在民事诉讼程序中理性地规范地运用测谎技术判断证据,不仅需要立法上进一步完善,也需要我们进一步深入地探索。
The Defect and Amendment on Witness Institution of Law of Civil Procedure 我国民事诉讼证人制度缺失及修正
The notarization force, principally, have the certification force in the perspective of evidence law, enforcement force in perspective of civil procedure law and effectiveness force in perspective of special legal activity. 公证权的效力主要有证据法上的证明力、民事执行法上的执行力和特殊的法律行为的生效效力。
The author supposes that the execution of the civil procedure need the passport of faith principle by the introduction of the history of principle of faith principle as law and analyzes the feasibility of faith principle in civil procedure according to theoretic and practical foundation. 民事诉讼法中诚实信用原则原本是重要的法律渊源,民事诉讼法的实施需要诚实信用原则作保障,而以理论和现实依据来看,在民事诉讼法中确立诚实信用原则是可行的。
Rethinking the Rule of Distribution of Evidential Burden in Our Law of Civil Procedure 对我国民事举证责任分配规则的反思
The Maritime Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China is the special law of Civil Procedure Law. 中国《海事诉讼特别程序法》是《民事诉讼法》的特别法。
Admission is an important system in the law of civil procedure to which the countries in both families attach great importance. 自认是民事诉讼法的一项重要制度,具有重要的作用和独有的价值,两大法系国家都对此非常重视。
Legal relationship in civil procedure occupied some certain status in mainland law family as well as Chinese law system of civil procedure. 民事诉讼法律关系在大陆法系国家以及我国的民事诉讼法律体系中,占有相当的地位。
On the Law Culture of the Chinese and Western Civil Procedure 论中西方民事诉讼的法律文化
The procedure should be reformulated in accordance with the principles of fairness and efficiency, convenience of filing a lawsuit and justice as well as all the basic principles of Law of Civil Procedure. 因此除坚持《民事诉讼法》基本原则外,应以公正与效率、方便诉讼与合法原则为理念对现行简易程序进行创新。
The principle of the parties as the subject in the civil procedure is about the issue that for whom the law of civil procedure should be. 当事人程序主体性原则,所要阐明的是民事诉讼制度“为谁而存在”的问题。
The distribution of burden of proof is first based on Law of Civil Procedure and Law of Civil, if no provision, refer to the Stipulation and other judicial explanations. 据此,举证责任的分配,首先应依据民事诉讼法和民事实体法的规定进行,在上述法律没有具体规定时,再参照《规定》和其他司法解释的规定确定。
At the same time, we should change my idea, set up a faith to the law, like this the standard of Civil Procedure can be established really. 同时,为保证证明标准的真正实现,还必须转变司法理念,树立法律信仰。
Therefore, as far as the reform and perfection of civil procedure law and the legal system of civil procedure in China are concerned, the reform of civil procedure system is undoubtedly one of the most important contents. 因而就中国民事诉讼法及其民事诉讼制度的改革和完善而言,民事诉讼程序制度的改革无疑是其最为主要的内容之一。
The Law of Civil Procedure issued in 1991 put the litigant's investigating evidence first and the court's investigating evidence secondary in our system of collecting proof. 1991年颁布施行的民事诉讼法建立了我国以当事人自行收集证据为主、法院调查取证为辅的证据收集制度。
As in the same way, in China, the system of legal assistance has been definitely stipulated in Law of Criminal Procedure, Law of Civil Procedure, Lawyer Code and Civil Code. 我国也不例外,在《刑事诉讼法》、《民事诉讼法》、《民法通则》、《律师法》等法律中明确规定了法律援助制度。
The writer thinks that it is entirely possible to establish the system of the third party in arbitration law which is based on the research of the civil procedure law and arbitration law of China and other countries. 作者从探讨比较我国民事诉讼第三人制度的角度出发,对仲裁第三人的概念、范围等问题进行了分析,从各国和我国的立法实践中探讨确立仲裁第三人制度的可行性。
The German civil right to be heard before the court involves the guarantee of human rights, it embodies the principle of the rule of law and is the core principle of the Civil Procedure Law and the civil proceedings. 德国民事法定听审请求权关涉诉讼过程中当事人的人性尊严保障,体现法治国家原则,是民事诉讼法和民事诉讼的核心理念。
More and more countries have established it in law of civil procedure or evidence law. 随着证据交换制度的程序价值被不断认可,越来越多的国家将其纳入民事诉讼法或证据法中。
Western law, especially in common law countries of the Civil Procedure Code, Evidence Act, or most of a chapter in a large space to be provided for and Interpretation. 而西方法律中,特别是英美法系国家的民诉法典或者证据法中大多以一章的大篇幅加以规定与阐释。
If we want to solve the problem of civil custom legalized to legal source in our country, we must pinpoint the position of the civil customs law in civil law, completing the process of civil procedure, establishing civil customs 'legalizing mechanism. 解决我国民事习惯合法化为法律渊源的问题,须明确民事习惯法的法源地位,完善我国民事习惯合法化程序,建立民事习惯的规范化机制。
Basic principles of the Civil Procedure Law plays an instructive role of civil procedure activity, it is the important role of the Civil Procedure Law and determines its important position on the legislative style. 民事诉讼基本原则对整个民事诉讼活动起着指导性作用,它在民事诉讼法中的重要作用决定了其在立法体例上的重要地位。
Evidence exchange system, originating from Discovery in Common Law System, is an important part of civil pretrial procedure. It has much importance to realize litigation justice and improve the efficiency of the civil trial. 民事诉讼证据交换制度发源于英美法系的证据开示制度,是民事诉讼审前程序中的重要组成部分,对于实现诉讼公正,提高诉讼效率有重要意义。
Exercise procuratorial supervision of civil litigation law of civil protest right through to our country civil procedure law, this is the one of the litigation system with Chinese characteristics. 检察权对民事诉讼行使法律监督主要通过民事抗诉权来实现,这是我国民事诉讼法所设的一项颇具中国特色的诉讼制度。
Secondly, comparing the distinctions of traditional philosophical basis between civil law and common law, the article criticizes the effectiveness of issue, which diverges from the tradition of civil law and the traditional theory of civil procedure. 其次是通过比较大陆法系与英美法系的传统及哲学基础间的差异,批判了争点效,提出责任效等偏离于大陆法传统、与传统大陆法系民事诉讼理论不相契合的理论。